Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Back to School... Back to School... : )

Well, I'm finally back on campus. The last three weeks of break have FLOWN by. I was very glad to go home to spend time with family, friends, and just to relax. I was able to spend a lot of time with my family this break because all of my family was home most of the time that I was there. My parents had extra vacation to use and so they were both home. Also, my younger sister was home from college also. It was nice to get to spend so much time with them but I was definitely ready to come back to my dorm room and get away from them. Don't get me wrong, I really do love my family but when I'm used to spending much of my time away from them, it gets kind of hard to spend that much time with them. I thoroughly enjoyed my time at home but I was so happy to get back to school.

A few of my friends and I decided that we all wanted to work harder to keep ourselves healthier in every way, mentally, physically, etc. We decided that we'd all start a Biggest Loser competition between us to gain support between us to eat healthier, stick with exercise, and stay on top of all of our homework throughout the semester. Though it's only been two full days, I feel like this is something that we are all going to stick to more so than if we were doing this individually. I'll keep you all posted as the semester goes on.

The first two days of classes produced six different classes with six different professors all with completely different topics. This semester is going to be quite different than anything I've ever experience before. I'm overloading this semester again but this semester, none of my classes feel like they're remotely related to any others. I'm hoping this class turns out just as good, if not better than last semester so wish me luck and I'll try my best.

Good luck with the beginning of the new year. You know the saying "New year, New you." I think it's the perfect time to test that out whether it be something like my friends and I's health kick or just being nice to people on a daily basis. Let's try something new together :)

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