Thursday, February 4, 2010

Busy Days, Busy Nights

Hello world. The last few weeks has literally been such a whirl wind. I can't even remember what time or day it is most of the time. I hope your lives haven't been so crazy. I can't even begin to tell you everything that's been going on in my life lately but there are just a few things that I can think of that should be mentioned...

First off, for all of the overachievers in high school, all of your work has paid off! Last Saturday, January 30, Bluffton held the annual Presidential Scholarship. The Presidential Scholarship is a chance for academically inclined students to be invited to campus to take a stab at a couple of super nice scholarships. They give out a few full scholarships, some 3/4 scholarships, and everyone who attends the event gets an extra $1000 just got being there. It's an all day event starting with breakfast, then listening to a speaker about something relevant to your essay topic, then the students go write their essays for the scholarship while their parents get drowned with information all relating to Bluffton University. Then, the parents and students are reunited for lunch time, my favorite part. Since I partook in the Presidential Scholarship and am currently involved with the Honors Program on campus, I was invited to sit among the students and their parents and answer any questions they may have regarding the campus, classes, Honors Program, anything. The best part about the whole thing is that they feed us some really awesome food. This is technically my third Presidential Scholarship event that I've attended, once as a high school student and twice as an existing Bluffton student. I can definitely vouch for the food. SO GOOD. :)

Another thing that's been going on with me and my life deals with psych and my future. First of all, I've been meeting with various professors about what I want to do with my future, whether I want to pursue social work or psychology as a profession. I know that I would like to do a therapy-focused career in either and now it's my decision which to follow. I've been attempting to make this very important decision and my professors have been extremely helpful. Thank goodness for a small school in which I can speak openly with them. Also, the psychology department has been in the processes of hiring another professor (YAY) so since I'm a psychology major, I've been invited to attend a few meetings with the potential professors. I met with one professor last week, another on Tuesday, and I have one last meeting coming up this Sunday. Each of the professors we've met so far have been super nice and I'm really excited about the prospect of a new perspective in the department.

Lastly, as always, I'd like to end on a positive, sometimes funny, quote for the day (or days). So here goes: Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect, it means that you've decided to live life despite it's imperfections so be happy because you are doing just fine :) Have a great day!

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