Friday, February 26, 2010


It's finally Friday. I'm so excited it's the weekend. This week has gone by pretty quickly, which is okay with me because I had a lot of things to do this week and now it's all done. Now all I have to do is survive this next week of classes because a week from today, I'll be on my way home for Spring Break. Now when you think college Spring Breaks, you probably think going to Cancun or something like that. Well, not for me and most of my friends. We get to enjoy going home to hang out with our families and start looking for summer jobs. Yay for being a poor college kid. Ick. Oh well, that just means I will have a really relaxing week and maybe I'll even have a leg up on finding a good job. I have a deal going with my parents that we've had since I started college two long years ago. The deal is that I work my butt off all summer and save as much money as I possibly can to last the school year. If I do that, I can just focus on a little bit of work (like 10 a week) and my schoolwork. I'm the first of my family to go to college. Neither of my parents did and I'm the oldest child, so by default I'm the first to go to college. So my parents want me to do really well and not get bothered by having to work all night and go to class all day. I think it's a really good system. The money starts to drain pretty quickly by the end of the semester but for the most part, it works really well. At least if you are like me and only buy gas and food pretty much. It's really important to have money issues worked out in advance before going to college. It's a HUGE deal. You never really know how poor you could be until you get there but it's nice to have plans in place to help you out. Fingers crossed that I can get an awesome-paying job this summer and it'd be awesome if it would be a job I'd like, but that's not really necessary as long as I reel in the big bucks :) I hope everyone can find a job that they are looking for. Times are tough but money is in need so we have to do whatever we can, you know? Good luck :)

My inspirational quote of the day: Don't waste your life in doubts and fears: spend yourself on the work before you, well assured that the right performance of this hour's duties will be the best preparation for the hours or ages that follow it. Have a great weekend :)

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