Thursday, February 18, 2010

Lucky Charms

Well, I can tell you up front that I'm kind of weird person when it comes to sporting events. I am probably one of the most unathletic and uncoordinated people you will ever meet but I LOVE sports. I love to play them, I love to watch them no matter what level they are. In the past few weeks my friends and I have attended a few of the basketball games on campus for both girls and boys. The best part is that they have always won (knock on wood) when we were there. Both teams this year haven't been... awesome. They haven't had the best of seasons but they weren't sucking on ice either. So for them to win EVERY time we attended one of their games was a little bit amazing. We've decided that we are the lucky charms for sports on campus :) Last night, we went to the Senior Night for the girls basketball team. We played Defiance, who is pretty much our rival. It was kind of a big deal. Just to fill you in a little, Defiance was 17-6 and Bluffton was 6-17. That just makes last night an even bigger deal. The girls were up for most of the game but in the last few minutes we were down. We caught back up and then they retaliated and vice versa. In the last second, one of our AWESOME players, Rachel Daman, scored an impossible (to me at least) 2-pointer at the buzzer to tie it up and go into overtime. By this point, I was screaming and clapping so hard my hands hurt. I was so excited. My adrenaline was rushing and I was literally shaking because I was so excited about this game (See, I told you I was weird). We go into overtime and we got on the ball. We led almost the entire overtime period by at least 2 to 4 points. Needless to say, our girls pulled off an extremely awesome win over Defiance for our Senior Night. Great job, girls. :)

Since I forgot last time, I remembered not to forget this time... Here's my quote for today: Set out each day believing in your dreams and know without a doubt you were made for amazing things. :) <3

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